MSF UK's analysis and representation team

An MSF member of staff speaks with Syrian refugee Jayzah, 67, on Lesvos island, Greece, days after a fire destroyed Moria refugee camp. Caption
An MSF member of staff speaks with Syrian refugee Jayzah, 67, on Lesvos island, Greece, days after a fire destroyed Moria refugee camp.

The Humanitarian Advocacy Analysis Representation and Policy Unit (HAARP) supports our medical work and our teams on the frontline through reflection, analysis, research and advocacy.

The unit focuses on humanitarian and health policy and practice-related issues.

The HAARP researches issues that affect our patients, staff and our relationships with other actors in the humanitarian world. The outcome of this research helps us lobby governments on issues that matter most to our patients and us.

It influences debates which, in turn, influence our policy and practice within MSF and to other actors involved in medical and humanitarian aid.

The HAARP team

The core members of the HAARP maintain a dynamic link with other programmes advisors across MSF. This allows the unit to share its findings and experience within MSF and to any other organisations who might benefit.


Liz Harding: Humanitarian Representative 

Liz joined MSF in 2006 working in operational positions in Sudan, South Sudan, Philippines, Myanmar, India, Somalia and Ethiopia for over 10 years including as MSF Country Representative in South Sudan.  She has a Masters in International Public Health (Humanitarian Assistance) from LSTM and has a nursing background with a Bachelor of Nursing and Diploma in Tropical Nursing (LSHTM).  

Currently Liz is the Humanitarian Representative for the UK as part of the International Representation team for MSF. She covers all operational contexts where MSF has operations. 


Sandrine Tiller: Strategic Adviser 

Sandrine has extensive experience in Venezuela, Eritrea, Tanzania, Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories, and Lebanon. She has expertise in humanitarian issues, particularly in the politicisation of aid and the state of the aid system and was the focal point for MSF’s engagement with the World Humanitarian Summit. She is the co-author of MSF’s report 'Where is everyone? Responding to emergencies in the most difficult places'.  

She is currently working on MSF reflection and analysis files, including Protection of the Medical Mission, Environmental Health and the shrinking of humanitarian space. In the UK, Sandrine is the liaison for MSF’s relations with academia, research institutes and think tanks.     


Caroline Voûte: Health Policy Advisor 

Caroline Voûte has a background in Social Justice and a Master’s in Public Health. She has been working in medico-humanitarian crises with MSF, WHO, CDC, UNHCR across 17 countries since 2008 (Malawi, South Africa, Haiti, Chad, Tunisia, Libya, DRC, Sudan, CAR, Syria, Iraq, Liberia, Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania/Zanzibar, Ethiopia, Bangladesh).  

She joined MSF in 2010 and has spent her years overseas with MSF as Health Promotion Specialist, Project Coordinator, and Emergency Coordinator/Country Representative. In August 2018, she joined MSF UK as Health Policy Advisor with the HAARP. Caroline focuses on analysing global health issues that affect patients and MSF programmes, and helping MSF to advocate towards UK government and global health actors on subjects that matter most.  

Caroline’s recent work has focused on the Ebola outbreak in DRC, climate change and environmental breakdown, changing global health architecture and donors, anti-microbial/anti-biotic resistance, and immunisation policies and actors. She is the current coordinator of the MSF Global Health Actors Network (GHAN).



Over the years, the HAARP has gained experience in, among others, food policy/nutrition, older people in crises, exit strategies, analysis of the humanitarian aid system, migration and displacement and the appropriation and politicisation of humanitarian aid. The unit has also gained experience in the below:

Five-year-old Souffrance Atsidri is treated at the MSF measles unit at Biringi Hospital, DRC.
Measles is a highly contagious viral disease and one of the leading killers of young children
Learn more
It’s time to go home. Esther is discharged from Nsanje District Hospital with support from MSF staff in Malawi. She was diagnosed with advanced HIV.
We pioneered treatment in Africa and have helped millions of people globally
Learn more

The HAARP UK networks

With our office in London, the UK HAARP is perfectly situated to talk one-on-one with influential actors and institutions relevant to MSF’s work worldwide. We can talk with government, share experiences with international NGOs, hear from diaspora communities and gain insights from leading universities on issues related to MSF’s work.   

The list below provides just some examples of the people and institutions we interact with:

  • Governments
    UK Government (DFID, the Department of Health [Global Health Team], Foreign Commonwealth Office, Public Health England), Irish Government (Irish Aid), Embassies.
  • International NGOs
    OXFAM, Save the Children, Muslim Aid, Help Age International, Human Rights Watch, Action Against Hunger.
  • Red Cross
    British Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross UK.
  • Universities
    The London School of Economics, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the University of Oxford (Refugee Studies Centre), the University of Manchester (Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute), the School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of Edinburgh and King’s College London.
  • Think-tanks
    Chatham House (member), the Overseas Development Institute , the Rift Valley Institute.
  • Platforms
    Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance (ALNAP), Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies, the Humanitarian Policy Group, The Communicating with Disaster Affected Communities (CDAC) Network, AIDS Consortium, UK Stop TB Coalition.