MSF UK’s commitment to tackling institutional discrimination and racism
16 July 2024 | Jump to previous updates below
In July 2020, the international leadership of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) made a public commitment to tackle discrimination and racism within our organisation.
The Core Executive Committee (Core ExCom) pledged to “lead the way for the radical action sought after and demanded by our associations.” This commitment came amid powerful global movements for racial equity and health equity, spurred in part by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also followed years of advocacy by MSF staff calling for change.
In 2020, the Core ExCom (see glossary below) defined an action plan, identifying seven priority or key areas as requiring urgent and concrete action:
- Management of abuse and inappropriate behaviour
- Staff reward, including remuneration and benefits
- Exposure to risk – safety and security
- People recruitment and development
- Communications and fundraising
- Standards of care for the patients and communities with whom we work
- Executive governance and representation
In early 2022, we provided an update on progress for the previous 18 months, up until December 2021. Nearly four years on from the Core ExCom’s initial commitment, and two years since the last update, we are outlining our progress on these seven areas over 2022 and 2023.

Read Dr Javid Abdelmoneim's reflections
We are publicly publishing our progress, as we want staff, patients, communities, donors, stakeholders, and the public at large to see where we stand on each of these areas, including areas where we are struggling to move forward. Doing so is the best way to be transparent and demonstrate accountability for our actions. We took stock of what we managed to achieve in the last two years – and where we still have work to do – at the end of 2023.
While we worked on all of the above seven areas, the Core ExCom prioritised tackling issues of abuse and inappropriate behaviour, and addressing inequities in our staff rewards and remuneration system.
“Our staff, association members, partners, donors and the communities we serve are expecting results on the areas that we have committed to improve. While we have made significant progress in some areas since the launch of the Action Plan, in others, we recognise that we still have more to do. This is why we commit to creating an updated Action Plan with clear milestones to take us to the finish of our current strategic period at the end of 2025. Today, we hope that this update provides some idea of the progress that we’ve made, and that our stakeholders continue to hold us accountable on achieving this important work.”
- Dr Christos Christou, MSF International President
This is not an exhaustive list of all initiatives to tackle discrimination and racism in MSF, but a summary of some of the main movement-wide progress made since the launch of the Action Plan, based on priorities agreed by MSF’s Executive Committee (ExCom). There are countless initiatives being carried out in our projects and Operational Directorate (OD) headquarters that are not covered in this update. For transparency purposes, we have retained the update we provided in February 2022, for the progress made during 2020 and 2021, which can be found at the bottom of this page.
To provide clarity and aid understanding of MSF’s decision-making and leadership platforms, we have included a short glossary of terms within MSF referred to at the bottom of the page here.

Seven key international commitments to tackle racism within MSF
This link will send you to MSF's international website
Addressing issues around abuse have been a high priority for MSF leadership. In the last two years, increased attention and effort have been put into tackling these issues. We continue to collect data on behavioural complaints in MSF. A breakdown of the number and type of complaints we receive (made by staff, patients and their caretakers, community members, and others), and those complaints that are confirmed each year), can be found here. While each year generally sees incremental increases in the numbers of complaints received, we know that there is more work to be done to enable anyone affected by, who witnesses, or has concerns about abuse to report it.
MSF continues to make efforts to create an environment free from abuse and harm for our staff and for patients, their caretakers, and the communities in which we work. A focus on prevention and detection of abuse, alongside making reporting mechanisms accessible and inclusive, are critical for this work. When complaints about abuse are made, ensuring that there are sufficient, well-trained persons in place to address them is also critical to illustrate our commitment to take allegations of abuse seriously, to address them in a timely manner, and take responsive and remedial action, should abuse be found to have occurred.
Over the last two years, we have moved forward in our efforts to prevent, detect, and address abuse by:
- Hiring a Safeguarding Coordinator – at the international level, an International Safeguarding Coordinator (ISC) was hired and started work in 2023. The ISC works to define and advance safeguarding work within MSF, working with all stakeholders across the movement. This includes defining what actions need to be taken by MSF to continuously improve our ability to prevent and detect abuse, enable reporting of abuse, ensure allegations of abuse are addressed, and ensure that there are trained people who can address allegations of abuse in a timely and professional manner. The ISC also coordinates platforms for behavioural leads in MSF (both in operations and partner sections).
- Working to create a pool of investigators – approving the establishment of a global pool of investigators for administrative investigations of allegations of abuse in the countries and projects where we operate or have presence.
- Common case management mechanism – a common case management mechanism has been designed to respond to concerns or reports of serious allegations of abuse spanning multiple MSF entities. The mechanism includes clear processes to be activated, to address such cases efficiently.
- Field based positions – in Bangladesh and Afghanistan we’ve engaged staff to work on prevention, detection, strengthening reporting, and addressing abuse, as well as rolling out a safeguarding risk assessment in certain locations.
In addition, many activities require ongoing and continuous work. For example, awareness-raising about expected behaviour and how and where to raise complaints about abuse; training staff; training managers on how to welcome complainants; risk assessments; safe recruitment and performance management; strengthening efforts on DEI; focusing on patient centred approaches; case management and investigation; improving access to reporting mechanisms (including for patients and communities), and understanding barriers to reporting.
“We have listened to feedback from our staff, and we are striving towards more equity and better transparency on how people are remunerated for their work. Through the Rewards Review, we carried out an in-depth analysis of our existing policies and process, and developed proposals on what needs to change. This change is complex and ambitious, but we can’t afford not to succeed.”
- Dr Christos Christou, MSF International President
We are aware that MSF’s salary and reward policies and processes do not align with our ambition for a diverse global workforce. They do not adequately support our evolving operational and organisational requirements, lead to inconsistencies, hinder mobility, and are perceived as inequitable by many of our staff. To address these inequities, over the last two years we’ve taken the following actions:
- A review of our policies and processes – the Rewards Review – was carried out to systematically analyse MSF’s existing approach to pay and benefits. Between 2021 and 2023, this review involved over 4,000 staff, who provided input over 450 staff engagement sessions. The review also analysed data on how our workforce has evolved, how staff are paid today, and how MSF pays staff compared to other employers in similar contexts.
- In April 2023 the results of the review were presented to the ExCom and identified problems, including: policies and practices that have not evolved with trends; unacceptable differences in pay and benefits packages; inconsistencies in valuing jobs and staff support; and inadequate HR governance and accountability.
- In May 2023, the executive leadership of MSF agreed to significant changes to MSF’s rewards policies to address these problems, including a set of core benefits for all staff; minimum standards for pay; a consistent definition of living wage with adjusted methodology; a consistent benchmarking approach; two new staff groupings – mobile staff and country-based staff – to replace the existing, outdated groups; and a framework to ensure that jobs and functions are graded consistently across the organisation.
These are very significant changes that will take several years to fully roll-out. However, key improvements for some staff have already been implemented from October 2023 including:
- The removal of the indemnity (the practice whereby mobile staff received an indemnity payment instead of a salary for the first 12 months of working with MSF).
- The launch of the International Contracting Office (ICO) to provide a consistent contracting experience, aligning pay and benefits for staff who don’t have an MSF contracting office in their own country (see more under section 4, People recruitment and development).
- The set up of the MSF International Retirement Savings Plan for ICO contracted staff.
Working in contexts of violence and conflict have been an integral part of MSF’s operations since our inception. Ensuring the safety and security of our staff is one of our biggest priorities, and challenges. We choose the areas where we run our projects, and in doing so, we seek to anticipate, prevent, and address security threats within projects.
Human resources restrictions for staff working in our programmes based on non-professional criteria – gender, ethnicity, physical appearance, religion, age, nationalities, etc – can be imposed on MSF by external organisations, such as states or armed groups, or decided by MSF. This is a compromise in our preferred way of working and we seek to limit the use of these restrictions to a minimum.
When decided by MSF, the two rationales on HR restrictions are:
- the safety and security of our teams and our operations; and
- where required, to ensure our access to communities.
HR restrictions processes, decision making, and implementation are internal to each OD, but the processes are shared amongst ODs. Furthermore, the type and location of restrictions are also shared and reviewed once a year at the RIOD; each OD is responsible to update this common tool.
Generally speaking, responsibility for safety and security measures for our staff lie principally with the ODs, with whom the bulk of this work rests. Therefore, the remit of the Core ExCom’s plan is to assist with the coordination of these measures.
MSF’s existing staffing model has led to unequal access to recruitment and career development opportunities. This contributes to a lack of diversity in team composition; poor gender ratios among programme staff; difficulties in access to coordination and management positions for locally hired staff; and has resulted in over-representation of staff of Western origin in senior and leadership roles.
Our decentralised organisational structure, with multiple legal employers and different HR policies and practices, represents a key challenge when it comes to recruiting, retaining and developing our staff. There is no single organisational workforce strategy, and our principles are applied differently across our various operational directorates and other MSF entities. With a number of our operational directorates reporting a shortage of experienced international mobile staff, a further challenge is how to retain experienced staff at the same time as recruiting and developing new staff internationally and locally, and reversing the deteriorating gender ratios among mobile staff.
To address these and other inequities, over the last two years, we have achieved the following objectives:
- Contracts for staff located without an MSF office – an International Contracting Office (ICO) was established, and in October 2023 the ICO issued its first contracts to mobile staff who don’t have an MSF contracting office in their own country and ran the first payroll. The ICO provides a consistent contracting experience, aligning pay and benefits for these staff regardless of the operational directorate they work for. It also provides a seamless support during their career with MSF and one single point of contact for contracting purposes.
- Delocalised headquarters – the International Office and a number of the ODs have increasingly delocalised positions, and even entire departments, away from their traditional European bases. This means that vacancies for headquarters positions are being opened across regional hubs, including in Nairobi, Amman, Dakar, Dubai, Bogotá and Buenos Aires, increasing diversity in some of those positions and departments and HQs in general.
- Job vacancies page – a recruitment page on was launched, so that job vacancies across many MSF offices are accessible to anyone interested in working for MSF; 1,685 vacancies were published since the site’s launch in April 2022 until the end of 2023.
- Accessible employer policies site – a new site ( with information on ‘MSF as an employer’ and reward policies was launched in 2022, accessible to all MSF staff (including those without an MSF email address and therefore no access to the organisation’s intranet).
- Human resources portal – a human resources portal was launched, and all HR policies and guidelines were made accessible in Arabic, English, French and Spanish to staff with access to an MSF computer; for staff without an MSF log in, we have made policies available on the rewards page on
- Improved data reporting and analysis – the 2022 MSF Staff Data and Trends Report, published in June 2023, included improved analysis and more detailed reporting on workforce make-up, to help us improve our understanding of our workforce and how it’s evolving. ODs are using this information to inform approaches to recruitment and development through the Recruitment and Career Management Platform.
“We are committed to respecting the dignity and agency of the people we treat, and recognise that this is fundamental to fulfilling our mission to bear witness and speak out about human suffering. We are working to improve our guidelines, standards, and policies, and we are also shifting our own mindset.”
- Dr Christos Christou, MSF International President
With MSF communication and fundraising materials providing the public face of the organisation, calls to ensure that these materials respect and demonstrate the dignity and agency of patients and our staff, and to eliminate perceptions of white saviourism, neo-colonialism and racism, have become urgent from both within and outside of MSF. While there is still work to do, there has been significant progress made towards achieving the objectives set for Communications and Fundraising in tackling Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) issues. They include:
- DEI guide for communications – a DEI guide was produced by the dedicated taskforce that advises MSF teams on the creation of more respectful, ethical and inclusive public communications productions that accurately represent our staff, patients and the communities with whom we work in a dignified way. A course on using the DEI Guideline has been developed in English, French and Spanish and has been published on our inhouse training platform.
- DEI language guidelines – starting in mid-2021 and continuing into 2022, “Guidelines to equitable, respectful and inclusive language in MSF communications” were published in languages including English, French, Arabic, and Spanish. These guidelines, which complement the DEI guide, help MSF content producers, editors and disseminators use appropriate terms to describe people, crises and contexts. Other, topic-specific guidelines – such as on disability – were produced and disseminated in 2022 and 2023.
- DEI-focused positions – a temporary DEI Guideline Roll-out Coordinator position was recruited at the end of 2022 to facilitate the rollout and training on the guide, with a fundraising professional also trained as a DEI facilitator identified. This role has since ended given the roll-out had been completed as envisaged.
- Online DEI hub – the DEI knowledge hub for MSF Communications and Fundraising Professionals, also known as Ubuntu, was also launched in September 2022. The aim of this online internal hub is to inform and inspire communications and fundraising teams on DEI matters and link to existing internal and external resources on the topic.
- Feedback group – a Peer Feedback Group was created to provide feedback on the sensitivity of packages, with a large group of volunteers from across the movement reviewing communications content and flagging concerns related to portraying patients/communities in an undignified manner, advancing stereotypes, and/or the inclusion of hero/white saviour narratives. The Peer Feedback Group’s highly valuable work has since been promoted further to ensure support is sought early in e.g. campaign production development processes.
- Media database review – An audio-visual media database content review was launched in 2021, with a revision of photos being completed in August 2023. More than 150,000 pictures were reviewed to identify any imagery that did not comply with our ethical standards and DEI commitments, with 114,000 being reviewed twice; about 12,500 photos were flagged and 2,500 have since been removed from view and use.
- Pledge to tackle problematic imagery – in June 2022, the Full DirCom issued a statement pledging to accelerate action on multiple fronts to better manage the collection, use, dissemination, and storage of photographs and video taken at our medical projects.
- External advice and recommendations – Following the Full DirCom’s pledge, and based on the work of the database review, a series of workshops with two advisory panels – one with medical and other functional experts from inside MSF and another with academics and professionals from outside MSF – were organised to gather their advice and recommendations on audio-visual practices, with a report being produced.
- Audio-visual ethical framework – from the report’s recommendations, funding was secured for a position to develop, disseminate and roll-out (including through appropriate training) a new audio-visual ethical framework (guidelines) for MSF. This expert was identified and started work in January 2024.
- Photographer contracts proposal – After being alerted that images that do not comply with our DEI commitments taken previously in MSF structures remain available for distribution by photographers or through photo agencies, contracts for photographers have been collected and reviewed, and proposals for new clauses and contracts have been produced.
MSF has made the commitment to systematically integrate diversity, equity and inclusion principles in deciding where and how we respond in the countries we work and in setting standards of care for the communities we work in. This commitment puts the focus on the people we serve, while ensuring our staff practice an inclusive and non-discriminatory provision of care.
We are working to apply these principles to our existing medical policies, activities, and initiatives, based on three key pillars of work:
- integrating diversity, equity and inclusion action points in medical guidelines and policies
- implementing a patient/person/community-centred approach and ensuring programme choices and project designs include a diversity, equity and inclusion lens, and
- developing shared accountability through identification of relevant indicators and ensuring their application for proper monitoring and evaluation of progress.
Over the last two years, work on this area has included:
- Patient Charter – In 2023, a patient charter was developed in consultation with internal and external experts as well as patient representatives, and finalised in collaboration with the International Board. Based on the provision of effective, safe, and equitable healthcare in the contexts in which we work, the Charter’s principles include Dignity and Respect; Safe healthcare and Protection; Access; Information; Participation and Consent; Privacy and Confidentiality; Feedback and Complaints Procedures. These principles today serve as a guide for each operational directorate to implement and adapt according to the cultural and context particularities of their project settings.
- Protecting patient data – Work on implementing a patient data protection strategy has continued, which ensures the protection of patient health data centred on patient rights and medical confidentiality. Critical in ensuring protection is in informing patients on how their medical information is used and what mechanisms are available to them in case of concern. As part of this effort, a patient health information notice form has been finalised and is being systematically included in our facilities.
- A list of quality-of-care indicators – A library of quality-of-care indicators was developed and approved by the DirMed and MedOp platforms, to be used by the various intersectional medical platforms and ODs in their data collection sets. This should help in the monitoring of the levels of quality of care achieved in a given time period. In addition, patient safety indicators are also being standardised.
- Coherent optimisation of activity data – A health data strategy has been developed under the DirMed platform that aims to optimise and secure the use of medical activity data (number of consultations, type, etc), providing a coherent approach across ODs. The strategy takes a data minimisation approach, which helps ensure quality monitoring, that unnecessary data is not collected, and that patient information is used optimally.
- Quality medical products review – In ensuring we are providing quality medical and healthcare products, a review of the work of the Quality Assurance team was undertaken, with areas of progress and further need for development highlighted. Work on this is coordinated between the International Medical Quality Products and Publication team, supply centres and the Global Procurement Unit, amongst others.
- Mutual Accountability Revision process – a revision process of the mutual accountability mechanism – the tools and methodologies by which MSF measures the quality and relevance of our activities – was launched in 2022, to review the typology indicators used, the governance process, the quality of analysis, and to ensure that diversity, equity and inclusion is included in reflections. An important part of this revision is finding with which teams and stakeholders need to be engaged and consulted to capture relevant information, data and reporting.
The history of MSF’s founding and evolution over the last 50 years has meant that the power and decision-making structure within MSF has been concentrated in Europe. In recent years, we have questioned how this decision-making power should be distributed across the MSF movement. Since the creation of the West and Central Africa operational directorate in 2019 – which granted decision-making on where and how MSF operations are run for the first time outside of Europe – this has slowly begun to change. However, the decision-making entities in MSF continue, for the most part, to lie within Europe.
To address this, we’re critically evaluating and addressing our structure. We’re doing this through a project which will allow us to maintain a solid and accountable system of governance, but which would provide more flexibility in having decision-making entities established outside of Europe.
Up until the end of 2023, the Full ExCom developed a vision document on how to manage the number and location of current and future entities, always keeping how these entities will benefit the work of MSF at the core of their decisions.
Conclusion: Progress is being made – but there’s still a lot more to do
“We acknowledge that progress on our commitments since we launched the Action Plan has been uneven. Some areas have moved forward in leaps and bounds; others have advanced very little. However, in all areas, we know that we need keep making improvements. What has been outlined here is not an exhaustive list of what we’re doing, but we are continuing to work hard and bring more developments.”
- Dr Christos Christou, MSF International President
We have started processes that are ultimately about changing our culture, governance, and the way we work. While full implementation will take time, we are committed to carrying out these transformative processes. We believe that these organisational reforms will make a difference to our staff, patients and communities.
We have made significant progress in some areas during the last two years, but we acknowledge that progress in other areas has not been as advanced as we had anticipated. We know that we cannot stop now; we are committed to keep moving forward.
September 2021
We last updated our progress in February 2021. Now, it is time to do so again. Our work, to confront these issues in a forthright and honest way, and to find sustainable solutions in the areas where MSF UK must improve, is ongoing.
Commitment: A diversity and inclusion action plan by the end of 2020 covering all areas, including recruitment policies and internal language, that is fully implemented by the end of 2022.
Progress: MSF UK’s development of the action plan has slowed significantly since the commitment was first made as a result of the demands of responding to the global pandemic. However, an equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) audit was conducted to explore current DEI practices and wider organisational culture at MSF UK. The audit focused on the voices of marginalised staff and let their experiences shape our learning priorities.
The consultant’s final report is now with the MSF UK Board of Trustees and Management Team for their review. This is an important milestone on our journey towards meeting this commitment.
The next stage of this work will be to use the results of the audit to further develop and focus MSF UK’s established EDI vision and objectives. We will build a concrete, measurable action plan that clarifies and expands the scope of action currently being undertaken by the organisation.
Following this, the key results from the report, vision and action plan will be shared and discussed with MSF UK staff, ahead of being published on this website.
Commitment: An audit of human resources (HR) policies to check for statements that undermine workforce inclusion, fairness and diversity. If required, MSF UK will update its policies or develop new ones to address any issues identified in the audit by the end of 2020.
Progress: The consultants who conducted the audit also included as part of this process an audit of our HR policies in December 2020. Alongside this, MSF UK completed an internal audit of the same policies in February 2021.
Following both sets of recommendations and related analysis, revised HR policies will be rolled out as each is ready, starting in the last quarter of 2021.
Throughout 2021, MSF UK’s HR department have been working to improve EDI data collection. In July, MSF UK office staff were given the opportunity to provide data relevant to this area, such as ethnic origin and sexual orientation.
While the initial focus was on office staff, the second phase of data gathering will cover our medical humanitarian project staff. The data will be used to create a baseline picture of our organisation against which future improvements can be measured.
Commitment: The proportion of locally hired MSF staff members enrolled as students in the LEAP programme and the GHHM course will be 10 percent higher than the 2020 baseline.
Progress: The 2020 baseline for locally hired staff participation in the LEAP programme and GHHM course are as follows:
2020: 40 percent of staff enrolled in the LEAP programme were recruited locally
2021: 51 percent of staff enrolled in the LEAP programme were recruited locally
2020/21: 39 percent of staff enrolled in the GHHM course were recruited locally
We have also gathered data on the proportion of students from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which is as follows:
2019: 68 percent of students enrolled in LEAP came from LMICs
2020: 80 percent of students enrolled in LEAP came from LMICs
2019/20: 64 percent of GHHM students were based in LMICs
2020/21: 74 percent of GHHM students were based in LMICs
Commitment: We will be creating ‘safe spaces’; dialogue and support mechanisms for staff across MSF UK, including project and office staff, and members of the MSF UK Association
Progress: Office staff, MSF UK Association members and UK-contract project staff were surveyed about their opinions on anti-racism initiatives and institutional racism within MSF, with results considered by the Management Team.
The results of these surveys were analysed by the MSF UK anti-racism project team and a report was presented to Board of Trustees in February 2021.
At the end of 2020, MSF UK office staff attended a series of ‘brave spaces’ sessions, facilitated by an anti-racism consultant, where discomfort and honesty were encouraged as a means of learning, challenging and developing personal responses to anti-racism.
The outcomes and conclusions of the brave spaces sessions were incorporated into the above-mentioned EDI audit. The sessions also launched various grassroots staff initiatives, including an anti-racism reading circle.
Following this, the consultant produced a report, which included seven recommendations for MSF UK. The report and its recommendations can be found here.
MSF UK accepted these recommendations and has already delivered on numbers 3 and 5. Number 7 will form part of our EDI action plan work, while the remainder represent committed goals for MSF UK.
MSF UK continued to hold discussion events around the issues of racism in 2021. In June, the topic was feature at our flagship associative event, the Annual General Meeting, under the title, ‘You can’t choose that for me’.
The talk focused on the unique vulnerabilities that locally hired staff face in places where MSF projects are 'exposed to risk' while providing medical humanitarian assistance, and our duty of care towards them.
Commitment: We will support the process of educating ourselves, signposting to relevant literature and resources, and identifying anti-racism training, with senior managers having undertaken this training by the end of 2020.
Progress: As of February 2021, 89 percent of MSF UK line managers at all levels have undertaken ‘brave space’ capacity building training sessions with our anti-racism consultant. All members of the MSF UK Management Team have completed this training.
MSF UK has created a page of resources on anti-racism on MSF UK’s intranet, including books, articles and audiovisual material, to allow us to educate ourselves on these issues. Staff have been encouraged to undertake this activity as part of their working day, rather than on top of it, with the support of their line managers. The MSF UK Management Team has committed to making space and time for staff to read this material and discuss it in team meetings.
The Management Team has also begun a reading club, where its members share articles and books on topics around anti-racism and dedicate time to discussing them.
Other areas:
MSF UK is continuing its work to ensure that our public communications fully represent the diversity of our global workforce, and to ensure that our public communications push back against traditional humanitarian stereotypes of the ‘white saviour’.
We are working across the MSF movement to further diversify the staff who speak on our behalf. In recent years, MSF UK identified a challenge regarding the communications materials produced to inform our supporters and the wider public about our work.
An over-reliance on the stories of returning UK-contracted staff to explain our work left the majority of our global workforce under-represented in our communications. To address this, we have developed ways to ensure that colleagues hired and based in the countries where we work have more opportunities to represent MSF, whether via remote link-ups to panel events or through written and audiovisual communications.
In the past six months for which figures are available, we have seen a significant improvement in representation, with 50 percent of the communications products produced entirely within the UK now featuring locally hired colleagues. We are building on this work and will monitor and analyse its results.
To further embed this in MSF UK’s working culture, we have revised our brand guidelines to emphasise how we should present ourselves and those we assist, both in terms of language and imagery. MSF has also produced a language guide to help staff write in ways that focus on inclusion, diversity and the empowerment of all our staff.
February 2021
When we published the above statement on MSF UK’s commitments to addressing institutional racism, we stated that we would “publish any updates to our commitments and be accountable towards them in the public domain.”
We believe that eight months on from making these commitments, it is important to provide an interim update on progress so far.
We intend to publish a more substantive update by the end of June this year (2021). [NOTE: we now expect to publish this update by early September 2021 and would like to apologise for the delay]
Commitment: A diversity and inclusion action plan by the end of 2020 covering all areas including recruitment policies and internal language, fully implemented by the end of 2022
Progress: This is underway, although we have not met our original aim of having the plan completed by the end of 2020 due to the ongoing challenges and workload posed by COVID-19.
Consultants to support the creation of the plan were instructed in December 2020. We now hope to have the plan completed by mid-2021. We will continue to provide regular, publicly available updates on progress.
Commitment: An audit of Human Resources (HR) policies to check for statements that undermine workforce inclusion, fairness and diversity; and if required will have updated its policies or developed new ones to address this by the end of 2020
Progress: We have completed the audit, and an overview of where MSF UK meets best practice standards and where there is room for improvement has been submitted to the Management Team.
The recommendations will be implemented as part of a bigger piece of work that takes into account the outcome of the diversity and inclusion action plan.
Commitment: An increased proportion of locally hired MSF staff members enrolled as students in the LEAP programme and the GHHM course will be 10 percent higher than the 2020 baseline
Progress: The latest available figures are as follows:
Locally hired MSF staff:
- 2019: 31 percent of staff who enrolled in LEAP in 2019 were recruited locally
- 2020: 40 percent of staff who enrolled in LEAP in 2020 were recruited locally
Note: we are still compiling figures on locally-hired staff enrolled in the GHHM.
We have also gathered data on the proportion of students from Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), which is as follows:
- 2019: 68.1 percent of students who enrolled in LEAP in 2019 came from LMICs
- 2020: 78.7 percent of students who enrolled in in LEAP 2019 came from LMICs
- 2019/20: 64 percent of GHHM students were based in LMICs
- 2020/21: 68 percent of GHHM students were based in LMICs
Commitment: We will be creating safe spaces, dialogue and support mechanism for staff across MSF UK – field, offices and associative membership.
Progress: Within the office, we undertook discussions via ‘brave spaces,’ facilitated by an anti-racism consultant, where discomfort and honesty are encouraged as a means of learning.
We surveyed office-based staff about their needs and opinions in this area, with results being analysed and considered by the Management Team.
We also surveyed all MSF UK/IE Association members and all international staff who had worked on assignment for MSF on a UK/Irish contract in the last five years, regarding their opinions on institutional racism within MSF and what they would like to see done in this area.
The results of this survey were collated and analysed by the MSF UK/IE Anti-Racism project team, and a report was presented to Trustees at the Board Meeting in February 2021.
We held three events in 2020 for association members and staff:
- First, an educational webinar, ensuring participants began subsequent discussions from a place of similar understanding.
- Second, a space in which participants proposed steps towards making MSF UK/IE an anti-racist organisation. The ideas proposed at this meeting were collated and presented to relevant teams within MSF UK for input into their annual plans.
- Third, a discussion of members’ motions relating to addressing structural imbalances of power at the international level of MSF. These discussions informed how our representatives voted at our International General Assembly, the highest governing body of MSF.
We will continue to hold discussion events on the issues of racism in 2021, and the topic will feature at our flagship associative event, the AGM, in June.
Commitment: We will be supporting the process of educating ourselves, signposting to relevant literature and resources, and identifying anti-racism training, with senior managers having undertaken this training by the end of 2020.
Progress: We have created a page of resources on anti-racism on MSF UK’s internal website – including books, articles and audio-visual material – to allow us to educate ourselves on these issues.
Staff have been encouraged to undertake this activity as part of their working day, rather than on top of it, with the support of their line managers.
The MSF UK management team has further committed to making space and time for staff to read this material and discuss it in team meetings.
The MSF UK management team has undertaken ‘brave space’ and capacity-building sessions with our anti-racism consultant. In addition, 89 percent of MSF UK line managers at all levels have undertaken capacity-building sessions.
Other areas:
In addition to the progress set out above, MSF UK is also continuing its work to ensure that our public image fully represents the diversity of our global workforce; and to ensure that our public communications and fundraising materials avoid problems such as the use of ‘white saviour’ imagery.
To this end, we are working with our partners elsewhere in the MSF movement to further diversify the staff who speak on our behalf and we have updated our brand guidelines to further emphasise relevant points on how we should present ourselves and those we assist, both in terms of language and imagery.
June 2020
In MSF UK’s new Strategic Direction for 2020 – 2023 we set down a vision to be an organisation and part of a movement that values its staff and ensures that all those who work with and for us feel this value in their working lives and are treated with equity and respect.
Today Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is a global movement that works in 70 countries, with a 45,000 strong workforce. We staff our country programmes with management structures where key field coordination positions are largely filled by international staff hired on short-term contracts.
International staff supervise local staff, despite the latter frequently having greater experience of the project. Staff hired locally are rarely given positions of responsibility over colleagues hired internationally and as a result, locally-hired staff perceive obstacles to career development.
There are clear structural differences between the way these two groups of staff are treated in terms of rewards including professional rewards like career progression and learning and development, exposure to risk and their ability to be heard within MSF.
In our Strategic Direction we have termed these issues as that of workforce injustice and equity. Today we need to go further and acknowledge them as institutional racism.
Actions across MSF internationally
MSF UK is just one part of the global MSF movement – and action on this issue is of course needed across all our offices and projects.
MSF has five ‘Operational Centres’, and a new Operational Directorate opening in Senegal and Ivory Coast, which make decisions on how and when we intervene around the world. As part of the Operational Centre based in Amsterdam, MSF UK is supporting commitments to address racism in MSF at an international level.
The Management Team of the Amsterdam Operational Centre (OCA), of which I am a member, recently sent an update to our staff to acknowledge that institutional racism and discrimination is present within MSF in many forms, and to set out steps to tackle this problem.
We recognised that, while MSF brings huge positive impact for people in need, it is also rooted in European post‐colonial traditions, and this manifests in many aspects of our organisation. We committed to accelerating the ongoing redistribution of power and decision‐making more evenly across the world; ensuring our medical humanitarian assistance is free from any racist or discriminative barriers; and working on addressing all aspects of structural racism as they manifest in MSF.
In the interests of transparency and accountability, we have made that letter available on our website. As an internal document, some of its language may not be accessible for those not familiar with MSF, so I have highlighted some of the key commitments here:
- Commit resources to addressing all policies and procedures that entrench institutional racism and discrimination and create barriers to equitable staff career progression, with an immediate focus on recruitment policies and processes at all levels and in all locations.
- Lead on and remain accountable for the progress of a plan of action to ensure diversity and representation at all levels in MSF‐OCA, with a particular focus on leadership positions, and informed by data and indicators that will be in place by mid-2021.
- Incorporate anti‐racism and anti‐discrimination training into our learning and development as an urgent priority by the end of 2020.
- Provide the means for self‐education within the organisation to ensure we all understand open and hidden discriminatory practices, the system of privilege and power imbalance, to be able to participate in the dialogues that will bring change.
- Enable a process of safe spaces, dialogue and support mechanisms across MSF OCA
- Assess our internal and public communications and imagery to ensure avoidance of the projection of white saviour complex and white privilege, attitude and culture. We commit to communication in which the staff who are closest to the provision of medical care represent the organisation and their work.
We also pledged to publish our actions and performance indicators, and hold ourselves publicly accountable against these towards our staff and associations, the people we assist, their communities and our supporters.
Actions to be taken by MSF UK
Closer to home our Strategic Direction commits us to creating a healthy working environment in MSF UK built on community, inclusivity, diversity and a proactive idea of acceptance. A diverse staff team at all levels strengthens us and makes us more innovative and effective.
MSF UK has already put considerable effort and resources to the process of breaking down structural barriers that prevent staff from across the world from making progress within the organisation. Our Leadership Education Academic Partnership (LEAP) programme and Global Health and Humanitarian Medicine (GHHM) course enable access to world-recognised higher education, and our Scientific Days conferences are key knowledge-sharing events.
We will continue to champion and resource these courses and conferences, prioritising access for staff across the world.
Over and above our investments in and commitment to the LEAP, GHHM and Scientific Days, the MSF UK Management Team have already committed to the following actions:
- A diversity and inclusion action plan by the end of 2020 covering all areas including recruitment policies and internal language, fully implemented by the end of 2022
- An audit of HR policies to check for statements that undermine workforce inclusion, fairness and diversity; and if required will have updated its policies or developed new ones to address this by the end of 2020
- An increased proportion of locally hired MSF staff members enrolled as students in the LEAP programme and the GHHM course will be 10 percent higher than the 2020 baseline
You can read more of those plans in our Strategic Direction for 2020 – 2023. From June 2020 we will be reviewing and consulting on them to ensure they are good enough, go far enough and actually happen.
In addition, we will be creating safe spaces, dialogue and support mechanism for staff across MSF UK – field, offices and associative membership. We will be supporting the process of educating ourselves, signposting to relevant literature and resources, and identifying anti-racism training, with senior managers having undertaken this training by the end of 2020. Once we have reviewed our plans, we will publish any updates to our commitments and be accountable towards them in the public domain.
In addition, the MSF UK Board of Trustees has issued a statement supported by some more personal reflections from the Chair, Dr Javid Abdelmoneim.
MSF exists because of the principle of humanity, the belief that all humankind shall be treated humanely and equally. Institutional racism has no place in MSF and MSF UK fully commits to be part of making the change both across our wider movement and closer to home.
Vickie Hawkins
Executive Director, MSF UK
MSF UK is part of an international movement of legal entities, commonly referred to as MSF, which are bound by a shared name and identity, and shared commitment to the MSF Charter and principles.
The statements in this article relate to both the international movement’s global field projects and to the MSF UK office.
Further reading

[i] Glossary of MSF decision-making platforms
International Board (IB) – is the Board of MSF International. It acts on behalf of, and is accountable to, the International General Assembly (IGA). Headed by the International President, the board is composed of both elected and co-opted members. Full details here.
Executive Committee (ExCom)
Full ExCom – executive decision-making body composed of the directors general of the 24 MSF sections and the International Medical Secretary; chaired by the International Secretary General.
Core ExCom – core executive decision-making body composed of the directors general/executive directors of the six operational directorates, the directors general of two elected partner sections, the International Medical Secretary, and chaired by the International Secretary General.
Operational Directorates (ODs) – the six directorates which decide where, what, when and how MSF responds to medical and humanitarian needs in the countries we work; they run independently of each other and are based in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Brussels, Geneva, Paris, and a West and Central Africa OD based in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
RIOD – originally, in French/English, Réunion Internationale de Operational Directors. A platform consisting of the directors of operations of the six Operational Directorates within MSF, chaired by the International Operations Humanitarian Representation Coordinator.
International Directors’ Platform for Human Resources (IDRH). The platform composed of the directors of human resources of the six operational directorates and two elected section HR directors, chaired by the International Human Resources Coordinator.
Directors of Communication platform (DirCom)
Full DirCom – platform composed of the directors and heads of communications of each section of the movement. Chaired by the International Communications Coordinator.
DirCom5 – the core decision-making body for communications, composed of the directors of communications for the six operational directorates, plus directors of communications elected from two partner sections. Chaired by the International Communications Coordinator.
Directors of Fundraising (DirFund) - platform composed of five elected heads of fundraising from MSF sections or branch offices, chaired by the International Fundraising Coordinator.
Medical Directors’ platform (DirMed) – composed of the medical directors of the six operational directorates, the Medical Director of the Access Campaign, the International Medical Coordinator, and International Medical Secretary.
Medical and Operational Directors platform (MedOp) – composed of members of the DirMed and RIOD platforms: the medical and operations directors of the six operational directorates, the executive and medical directors of the Access Campaign, the International Medical Coordinator, and the International Operations Humanitarian Representation Coordinator. Chaired by the International Medical Secretary.