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MSF UK's commitment to responsible behaviour and a workplace free from abuse

Herve is a medical doctor in the Doro hospital, originally from Central African Republic he worked with MSF there as national staff for four years before becoming a travelling expat. Herve has worked with various ministry of healths in various countries so working with MSF is great as he can work in better conditions with better resources, you have access to staff, the drugs and the logistics. Caption
Herve is a medical doctor in the Doro hospital, originally from Central African Republic he worked with MSF there as national staff for four years before becoming a travelling expat. Herve has worked with various ministry of healths in various countries so working with MSF is great as he can work in better conditions with better resources, you have access to staff, the drugs and the logistics.

MSF considers itself a responsible employer and association, and this rests on the responsible behaviour of its members. We actively promote responsible behaviour and a working environment free of exploitation, harassment and abuse.

Use the tabs below to find out more about our behaviour commitments, and our progress on promoting a working environment free from harassment, exploitation and abuse. This includes statistics from 2023.

Our commitments to responsible behaviour

There is a mutual and complementary role of the employee and the employer to prevent, detect and address unacceptable behaviour and MSF staff should deploy the means to inform its patients and direct beneficiaries on the behavioural commitments stated below.

Within MSF, all members of staff (employees, including staff on international assignment, volunteers, daily workers) and operational partners (including consultants and guests) understand and adhere to the commitments below, incorporate them into their professional and personal conduct, and abide by them.

Should this not be the case, MSF offers channels for reporting at every level of the organisation and any non-compliance will entail due consequences.

These Behavioural Commitments are considered as a minimum behavioural standard, more specific rules may apply to MSF staff members depending on the context in which they work and their area of activity.

Behavioural commitments

1. MSF staff members and operational partners shall behave respectfully and not discriminate against patients, colleagues or members of the local population on the basis of their race, opinions, lifestyle, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, origin, religion or beliefs and others markers of identity;

2. MSF staff members and operational partners shall not abuse anyone physically (i.e. physical violence, sexual aggression or other form of physical abuse) or psychologically (e.g. bullying, abuse of power, harassment, discrimination or favouritism);

3. MSF staff members and operational partners shall not accept, under any circumstances, behaviour that exploits the vulnerability of others, in the broadest possible sense (sexual, economic, social, etc.). This includes exchange of goods, benefits or services for acts of a sexual nature, including the use of sex workers' services while on assignment;

4. MSF staff members and operational partners shall not accept child abuse, exploitation and violence and not engage in sexual relations with children;

5. MSF staff members and operational partners shall not take advantage of their position for personal gain. Each member shall use MSF resources (including premises, goods, money, reputation, image etc.) with respect and care and in the interests of the organisation and the populations it seeks to assist.

Promoting a work environment free of harassment, exploitation and abuse

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) promotes a working environment free of harassment and abuse.

Our leadership has unequivocally committed to fight abuse and to reinforce mechanisms and procedures to prevent and address it. All staff are expected to abide by the MSF movement's Behavioural Commitments and our guiding principles as stipulated in our Charter

Each year, MSF publishes a statement on the number of reports of responsible behaviour incidents that have been received and the actions that have been taken in response; along with an update on activities undertaken by MSF to address the wider issue. These statements can be found below.

Yearly reports of responsible behaviour incidents

In 2023, over 69,000 individuals worked for the MSF movement worldwide. During that year, we saw a total of 823 complaints about abuse or inappropriate behaviour made across the MSF movement. Of these, 714 were related to our medical and humanitarian projects, and 109 related to our international headquarter offices. Of those complaints, after investigation, 300 were confirmed to be cases of abuse or inappropriate behaviour, with some complaints still being investigated at the end of 2023. The paragraphs below break down data from project and headquarters cases separately, as they are not necessarily comparable in terms of legal and reporting processes.

The overall number of complaints received related to our medical and humanitarian projects increased by 18 per cent in 2023 (714 complaints), compared to 2022 (606 complaints). Complaints received in our international headquarter offices in 2023 (109 complaints) increased by 22 per cent compared to 2022 (89 complaints). MSF remains concerned about under-reporting of abuse and inappropriate behaviour given the breadth of our activities and the reach of our operational footprint – especially from patients, their caregivers, and from community members in the areas where we work.

2023 figures in detail

Complaints received related to our medical and humanitarian projects in 2023

  • Around 89 per cent of MSF staff (69,100 people in total) in 2023 were working in MSF’s projects. A total of 714 complaints were made about the behaviour of staff in these projects, up from 606 in 2022. 
  • Of those complaints, after investigation, 264 were confirmed to be cases of abuse or of inappropriate behaviour (204 in 2022), with some cases still being investigated at the end of the year.
  • This includes 187 cases which were confirmed as abuse, compared to 121 confirmed cases of abuse in 2022 (this includes different forms of abuse: sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment [SEAH]; abuse of power; harassment and bullying; discrimination; exploitation; aggression; abuse of the case management process – including retaliation, false reporting, interference in a case, and breach of confidentiality).
  • A total of 85 staff members were dismissed for different types of abuse in 2023 (52 dismissals in 2022). Depending on the severity of the case, other types of sanctions were also issued, including but not limited to suspension, demotion, formal written warning, or mandatory training.
  • Of the 187 confirmed cases of abuse, 85 were cases of SEAH, compared to 67 in 2022. Forty-five (45) staff were dismissed based on the findings of investigations related to those SEAH cases in 2023 (35 in 2022), noting that behaviour like sexual harassment covers a range of behaviour.
  • The other confirmed cases of abuse included cases of harassment or bullying (31 confirmed cases); abuse of power (30 confirmed cases); aggression (23 confirmed cases); exploitation (13 confirmed cases); discrimination (9 confirmed cases); and abuse of the case management process (4 confirmed cases).
  • There were also 77 cases of inappropriate behaviour found (83 in 2022). Inappropriate behaviour means behaviour which does not amount to the forms of abuse outlined above, but which are not in line with MSF’s behavioural standards. This includes, but is not limited to, mismanagement of people; inappropriate relationships; inappropriate behaviour not in line with societal standards or affecting team cohesion; inappropriate communication; and substance (mis)use.

We have continued to see some increases in the number of complaints submitted by previously under-represented groups, like locally hired staff, though there is still much room for improvement, especially with patients and community members.

The total number of complaints submitted by patients and their caregivers was 33 in 2023, and 36 from community members (which may also include patients and others in the community whom MSF staff encounter) for a total of 69 (67 in 2022).  There were also 24 complaints submitted by “other” external parties – a category which includes suppliers, media, other organisations, partners, ex-MSF staff, non-MSF contracted staff.

It remains concerning that the number of complaints from patients, their caregivers, and community members has remained so low. Increased efforts are needed to reach out to patients and community members by making them aware of their rights and MSF expected standards of behaviour, and to ensure there are accessible, appropriate complaints mechanisms available to them to hold MSF accountable for any abuse or inappropriate behaviour.

The total number of complaints submitted by locally hired staff increased from 232 in 2022 to 328 in 2023. Efforts to encourage and support these staff to report need to be continued, as locally hired staff account for around 78 per cent of the global workforce, but are responsible for only 58 per cent of complaints made by MSF staff. 

In reviewing all complaints from both MSF staff and individuals outside of the organisation, there have been a relatively low number of complaints made about discrimination – despite ongoing movement-wide efforts to address it. A total of 45 complaints relating to discrimination were received in 2023, up slightly on the total of 40 in 2022. This suggests that continued and sustained efforts are needed on diversity and inclusion, to ensure people affected by acts of discrimination in any form, report it.

Complaints from our offices worldwide

Since 2020, MSF has also compiled complaints from our offices around the world, in addition to the data gathered from our medical projects. Eleven per cent of the total MSF workforce is based in these international offices.

While efforts have been made to standardise reporting, this data relates to many different legal and human resource processes, and so may not yet be fully harmonised.

From all of the headquarter offices, 109 complaints were received in 2023 (up from 89 in 2022).

Of these, 36 cases were confirmed to be abuse or inappropriate behaviour (with 11 complaints still under investigation at the end of the year, noting that some complaints made were not about abuse). There were 34 cases related to abuse and 21 to inappropriate behaviour.[1]  This compares to 38 confirmed cases of abuse and 30 of inappropriate behaviour in 2022.

Overall, 13 staff members were sanctioned (ranging from coaching to verbal or written warnings) and 15 staff members were dismissed for abuse in 2023. 


Achieving and maintaining a work environment free from abuse and harassment is an ongoing endeavour, for which we are all responsible. We also commit ourselves to do no harm to people with whom we work and to be accountable to them.

We continue to urge staff, patients, or anyone else who comes into contact with MSF, to report any incidents of abuse or inappropriate behaviour. 

[1] Note: some cases were found to have elements of both different types of abuse and inappropriate behaviour, so totals may not match.

In 2022, nearly 68,000 individuals worked for the MSF movement worldwide. During that year, we saw a total of 695 complaints relating to either abuse or inappropriate behaviour made across the MSF movement. Of these, 606 were related to our medical and humanitarian projects, and 89 related to our international headquarter offices. Further details below break down project and headquarters cases separately, as they are not necessarily comparable in terms of legal and reporting processes.

The overall number of complaints received related to our medical and humanitarian projects increased by 24 per cent in 2022, compared to 2021. MSF continues to face a challenge to ensure reporting of abuse and inappropriate behaviour, especially from patients, their carers, and the communities we assist. However, the increase in complaints can be seen as a sign that we continue to make progress in addressing this long-term challenge – and that awareness of and confidence in our reporting mechanisms and channels is continuing to grow.

In 2022, we began also to include complaints about ‘exploitation’[1] and violations of the ‘case management process’[2] in our reporting. The latter was introduced to protect complainants, while ensuring that reporting mechanisms are not misused. Data was also collected about complaints related to ‘inappropriate communication’[3] 

2022 figures in detail

Complaints received related to our medical and humanitarian projects in 2022

  • Around 90 per cent of MSF staff (just under 62,000 individuals in total) in 2022 were working in MSF’s projects. A total of 606 complaints were made concerning the behaviour of staff in these projects, up from 490 in 2021. 
  • Of those complaints, after investigation, 204 were confirmed to be cases of abuse or of inappropriate behaviour (158 in 2021), with some cases continuing to be investigated.
  • This includes 121 cases which were confirmed as abuse, compared to 102 confirmed cases of abuse in 2021 (this covers different forms of abuse: sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment [SEAH]; abuse of power; psychological harassment; discrimination; exploitation; case management – including retaliation and breach of confidentiality; and physical violence).
  • A total of 52 staff members were dismissed for all forms of abuse in 2022 (54 dismissals in 2021). Depending on the severity of the case, other sanctions were also issued, such as suspension, demotion, formal written warning, or mandatory training.
  • Of the 121 confirmed cases of abuse, 60 were cases of SEAH, compared to 67 in 2021. 35 staff were dismissed based on the findings of investigations related to those SEAH cases in 2022 (33 in 2021).
  • The other confirmed cases of abuse included cases of psychological harassment (22 confirmed cases); abuse of power (17 confirmed cases); physical violence (12 confirmed cases); discrimination (3 confirmed cases); and exploitation (7 confirmed cases).
  • There were also 83 cases of inappropriate behaviour confirmed or found, up from 56 in 2021 (inappropriate behaviour includes: mismanagement of people; inappropriate relationships; inappropriate behaviour not in line with societal standards or affecting team cohesion; inappropriate communication; and substance [mis]use).

For the first time since we started reporting these figures, the total number of complaints submitted by locally hired staff in our programmes decreased in 2022 to 232 (down from 262 in 2021). More still needs to be done to encourage locally hired staff in our programmes to come forward with complaints, as they make up nearly 80 per cent of the global workforce but only represent just over one-third of complainants.

The total number of complaints submitted by patients and their carers increased slightly in 2022, to 67 (up from 53 in 2021). In the context of the millions of patients MSF sees each year, it is concerning that the number of complaints from patients and their carers continues to remain low. This is a clear indicator that, although efforts to inform patients and carers of expected staff behaviour standards and complaint mechanisms are ongoing, more needs to be done to advise patients of their rights and ensure access to reporting mechanisms to hold MSF accountable for any abuse or inappropriate behaviour.

The number of complaints submitted by “other” external parties – a category which includes suppliers, members of the media, members of other organisations, community members, partners, ex-MSF staff, non-MSF contracted staff, MSF association members, and anonymous complainants –increased to 107 (from 37 in 2021).

There remains a relatively low number of complaints made relating to discrimination and racism, despite ongoing movement-wide efforts to address these issues. A total of 40 complaints relating to discrimination were received in 2022, up slightly on the total of 32 in 2021. Existing efforts on highlighting diversity and inclusion in behaviour issues need to be scaled up, as does encouraging people to speak up.

Complaints from our offices worldwide

MSF continues to compile complaints from our offices around the world, in addition to the data gathered from our medical projects. Ten per cent of the total MSF workforce is based in these international offices.

While efforts have been made to standardise reporting, this data relates to many different legal and human resource processes, and so may not yet be fully harmonised.

Out of 38 headquarter offices providing data, 89 complaints were received in 2022 (up from 49 in 2021, across 38 offices).

Of these, 44 cases were confirmed, with 38 cases related to abuse and 30 to inappropriate behaviour*. This compares to 19 confirmed cases of abuse and 11 of inappropriate behaviour in 2021.

Overall, 17 sanctions or dismissals were given in 2021, compared to 13 in 2021. 

*Note: one “case” can be qualified as several offences, so totals may not match.


Achieving and maintaining a work environment free from abuse and harassment is an ongoing endeavour, for which we are all responsible. We also commit ourselves to do no harm to vulnerable people we are striving to help.

We continue to urge staff, patients, or anyone else who comes into contact with MSF, to report any incidents of abuse or inappropriate behaviour which they come across. 

[1] Exploitation (separate from sexual exploitation) relates to someone using their authority, influence, or control over resources to pressure, coerce or manipulate a person to do something in exchange for resources or offer of resources.

[2] Case management process relates to abuse around retaliation, interference in a case, false reporting, and breach of confidentiality.

[3] Inappropriate communication relates to any spoken, written, or non-verbal language that is not respectful of others or their environment, even if it does not constitute abuse, which includes using an aggressive, annoying, or insulting tone.

In 2021, nearly 63,000 individuals worked for the MSF movement worldwide. During that year, we saw a total of 539 complaints relating to either abuse or inappropriate behaviour made across the MSF movement.

Of these, 490 were related to our medical and humanitarian projects, and 49 related to our international headquarter offices. Further details below break down project and headquarters cases separately, as they are not necessarily comparable in terms of legal and reporting processes. 

The overall number of complaints received increased by 21 percent in 2021 compared to 2020. While MSF continues to face a challenge of under-reporting of behaviour incidents, especially from patients, their carers, and the communities we assist, this increase can be seen as a sign that MSF has made further progress in addressing this long-term problem – and that awareness and confidence in our reporting mechanisms and channels is continuing to grow. 

2021 figures in detail

Complaints from our projects

  • Around 90 per cent of MSF staff (around 57,000 individuals in total) in 2021 were working in MSF’s projects. A total of 490 complaints were made relating to this category of staff, up from 389 in 2020.   
  • Of those complaints, after investigation, 158 were confirmed as either situations of abuse or of inappropriate behaviour (149 in 2020). 
  • This includes 102 cases which were qualified as abuse, compared to 82 confirmed cases of abuse in 2020 (this covers different forms of abuse: sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH); abuse of power; psychological harassment; discrimination; and physical violence).  
  • A total of 54 staff members were dismissed for all forms of abuse in 2021 (40 dismissals in 2020). Depending on the severity of the case, other sanctions were also issued, such as suspension, demotion, formal written warnings or mandatory trainings. 
  • Of the 102 confirmed cases of abuse, 67 were cases of SEAH, compared to 55 in 2020. 33 staff were dismissed as a result of those SEAH cases in 2021 (28 in 2020). 
  • The other confirmed cases of abuse consisted of: psychological harassment (9 confirmed cases); abuse of power (16 confirmed cases); physical violence (4 confirmed cases); and discrimination (6 confirmed cases). 
  • There were also 56 confirmed cases of inappropriate behaviour, down from 67 in 2020 (inappropriate behaviour includes: mismanagement of people; inappropriate relationships; inappropriate behaviour not in line with societal standards or affecting team cohesion; and substance use). 

We have continued to see some increases in the number of complaints submitted by previously under-represented groups, though there remains a lot of work to be done: The total number of complaints submitted by locally-hired staff increased again in 2021 to 262 (up from 172 in 2020). This represents an increase of 52% year-on-year, and may be seen as an encouraging trend. However, more still needs to be done as locally-hired colleagues account for around 90% of the global workforce, but are responsible for only around half of complaints made. 

The total number of complaints submitted by patients and their carers showed a very slight increase, to 23 in 2021 (up from 20 in 2020). The number submitted by “other” external parties – a category which includes suppliers, media, other actors, community members, partners, ex-MSF staff, non-MSF contracted staff and MSF association members – saw an increase of nearly 150%, to 67 (from 27 in 2020). It is concerning that the number of complaints from patients and their carers has remained so low. This is a clear indicator that more needs to be done to reach out to and empower patients and community members, by making them aware of their rights to hold MSF accountable for any abusive and inappropriate behaviour. 

Another notable point is that, across all complaints from both MSF staff and people outside the organisation, there have been a relatively low number relating to discrimination and racism – despite ongoing movement-wide efforts to address these issues. A total of 32 complaints relating to discrimination were received in 2021, down slightly on the total of 41 in 2020. This suggests that more efforts on diversity and inclusion need to be integrated into mainstream channels of awareness raising on behaviour issues. 

Complaints from our offices worldwide 

Since 2020, MSF has also compiled complaints from our offices around the world, in addition to the data gathered from our medical projects. Around 11 per cent of the total MSF workforce is based in these international offices. 

While efforts have been made to standardise reporting, this data relates to a large number of different legal and HR processes, and so may not yet be fully harmonised. 

Out of 38 headquarter offices, 49 complaints were received in 2021 (down slightly from 55 in 2020, across 37 offices). 

Of these, 25 were confirmed, with 19 cases related to abuse and 11 to inappropriate behaviour.1  This compares to 20 confirmed cases of abuse and 18 of inappropriate behaviour in 2020. 

Overall, 13 sanctions or dismissals were given in 2021, compared to 20 in 2020.   


Achieving and maintaining a work environment free from abuse and harassment is an ongoing endeavour, for which we are all responsible. We also commit ourselves to do no harm to vulnerable people we are striving to help. 

We continue to urge staff, patients or anyone else who comes into contact with MSF to report any incidents of unacceptable behaviour which they come across.   

First published 12 July 2021; updated with new figures 29 July 2022

In 2020, MSF had more than 63,000 individual staff movement-wide. We saw a total of 444 complaints made across our staff working in medical and humanitarian projects in the field (389 complaints) and across international headquarter offices (55 complaints).

Further details below break down field and headquarters cases separately, as they are not necessarily comparable in terms of terminology and reporting processes.

The overall number of complaints received increased by 22 percent in 2020 compared to 2019. While MSF continues to face the challenge of under-reporting of behaviour incidents, this increase can be seen as a sign that MSF is starting to address this long-term problem. It indicates that complainants and witnesses have increasing confidence to speak up and that there is growing awareness of the various reporting mechanisms and channels that have been reinforced and put in place.

The pandemic has led to a reduction in face-to-face activities to prevent unacceptable behaviour, however, significant effort has been put towards virtual training. The total number of staff trained to deal with behaviour issues actually increased compared to 2019.

Despite these improvements, under-reporting continues to be an issue. Of particular concern is the limited (if increasing) number of complaints from patients, caregivers and community members. This indicates the need to focus on prevention and to develop adapted community complaints mechanisms for these groups.

2020 figures in detail

Complaints from our projects in the field

  • Ninety percent of MSF’s staff (57,429 individuals in total) in 2020 were working in the field. A total of 389 complaints were made relating to this category of staff, up from 318 in 2019.
  • Of those complaints, after investigation, 149 were confirmed as either situations of abuse or of inappropriate behaviour (156 in 2019). 
  • This includes 82 cases that were qualified as abuse, compared to 106 confirmed cases of abuse in 2019 (this covers different forms of abuse: sexual abuse, harassment and exploitation; abuse of power; psychological harassment; discrimination; physical violence). A total of 40 staff members were dismissed for all forms of abuse in 2020 (55 dismissals in 2019). Depending on the severity of the case, other sanctions were also issued, such as suspension, demotion or formal written warnings.
  • Of the 82 confirmed cases of abuse, 55 were cases of sexual harassment, abuse, or exploitation (SEAH), compared to 63 in 2019 – 28 staff were dismissed as a result of those SEAH cases in 2020 (40 in 2019).
  • The other confirmed cases of abuse consisted of: psychological harassment (14 confirmed cases); abuse of power (eight confirmed cases); physical violence (three confirmed cases); and discrimination (two confirmed cases).
  • There were also 67 confirmed cases of inappropriate behaviour, up from 50 in 2019 (inappropriate behaviour includes: mismanagement of people; inappropriate relationships; inappropriate behaviour not in line with societal standards or affecting team cohesion; and substance use).

We have continued to see small but notable increases in the number of complaints submitted by previously under-represented groups, though there remains a lot of work to be done:

  • The total number of complaints submitted by locally hired staff increased again in 2020 to 172 (up from 144 in 2019). While this may be a marginal success in improving awareness and trust for colleagues to submit complaints, there is still more to be done considering that locally hired colleagues account for 80 percent of the MSF workforce.
  • The total number of complaints submitted by patients, caregivers, community members and other external parties showed no increase, at 20 in 2020 (also 20 in 2019). Considering that MSF undertakes millions of medical consultations each year in all its various projects, along with many other forms of contact with the communities we assist, this is very likely to be significant under-reporting. Existing complaint mechanisms need to be further adapted and improved to better reach patients and communities in individual project locations, especially given the extremely vulnerable position of many of those people whom MSF assists.

Complaints from our offices worldwide

2020 is the first year for which MSF has compiled complaints from our offices around the world, in addition to the data gathered from our medical projects in the field. Around 10 percent of MSF’s total workforce is based in these international offices.

As we have noted in previous years, the absence of these figures has led to a significant gap in our data. There is no prior-year comparison. It is also worth noting that, while efforts have been made to standardise reporting, this data relates to a large number of different legal and HR processes, and so may not yet be fully harmonised.

  • Out of 37 headquarter offices (non-operational entities) which accounted for 5,596 staff (10 percent of MSF's workforce) in 2020, 55 cases were reported either through management lines or office-specific behaviour reporting mechanisms.
  • After investigation, 38 cases were confirmed as either abuse (20) or inappropriate behaviour (18).
  • Out of these cases, 20 people were either dismissed or received other sanctions, such as formal warnings, depending on the severity of the facts.  

MSF continues to face the challenge of under-reporting when it comes to responsible behaviour. Since 2017, we have seen an increase in the number of complaints being reported, which is an encouraging sign that MSF’s reporting mechanisms are being more widely used.

While the total number of reports has dipped slightly (by 10 percent) between 2018 and 2019, we believe this is primarily due to a large number of historical cases having been reported in 2018 – likely a result of the increased levels of communication on this issue, both internally and externally. 

We need to continue working to improve levels of reporting, especially among groups which have tended to be under-represented when it comes to making complaints – including locally-hired MSF staff, patients in MSF projects, and their carers.

2019’s figures have shown increases in the number of reports received from these groups, which is encouraging, though we acknowledge that there is still a long way to go.

There is a range of ongoing work to address issues around responsible behaviour that has been taking place across the MSF movement in recent years. Examples include:

  • Creating new positions and/or increasing staff support to provide training, field visits and investigation on these issues.
  • Undertaking workshops and other forms of consultation with staff to assess the problem and the steps needed to address it.
  • Revising, promoting and strengthening guidance provided to staff on how to report harassment, abuse or exploitation.
  • Reinforcing awareness at the patient and community level where we have operations
  • Improving data-gathering and sharing across the MSF movement.

2019 figures in detail

Total grievance complaints

In 2019, we had approximately 65,000 individual staff movement-wide, of more than 90 percent were working in the field.

We saw a total of 318 grievance complaints made, down from 356 in 2018. This figure relates to alerts and complaints made in the field but does not cover headquarter offices.

Confirmed cases of abuse or inappropriate behaviour

Of those complaints, after investigation, 156 were confirmed as either situations of abuse or of inappropriate behaviour (134 in 2018).

This includes 106 cases that were qualified as abuse, compared to 78 confirmed cases of abuse in 2018 (this covers many forms of abuse: sexual abuse, harassment and exploitation; abuse of power; psychological harassment; discrimination; physical violence).

A total of 55 staff members were dismissed for all forms of abuse in 2019 (52 dismissals in 2018).  

Of the 106 cases of abuse, 63 were cases of sexual harassment, abuse, or exploitation, up from 59 in 2018. Forty staff were dismissed as a result of those cases in 2019 up from 36 in 2018.

There were also 50 confirmed cases of inappropriate behaviour, down from 56 in 2018 (inappropriate behaviour includes: mismanagement of people; inappropriate relationships; inappropriate behaviour not in line with societal standards or affecting team cohesion; and the use of substances).

Complaints by under-represented groups

While the overall number of complaints is down by 10 percent compared to 2018, it is encouraging to see an increase in the number of complaints being made by groups that have been particularly under-represented: The number of complaints made by national staff increased from 128 in 2018 to 144 in 2019.

This is a step in the right direction, although national staff continue to be under-represented, accounting for only 45 percent of all complaints despite making up more than 90 percent of MSF’s field-based workforce. 

Complaints by MSF’s patients and carers

The number of complaints made by MSF’s patients and their carers has also increased, although it must be noted that this was from a very low base: from 13 in 2018 to 20 in 2019 (an increase of 46 percent). 

Underreporting from patients and their carers clearly remains an area where we must continue to focus, to ensure that mechanisms are accessible and understood.

During 2019, a number of measures were taken to address this, including the development of staff training modules and workshops to get input from patients and carers.


Staff numbers: Please note that the 65,000 figure for MSF staff refers to the total number of individuals that have worked for MSF in the course of a year, as opposed to the total number of full-time equivalent positions – which will be a lower number as more than one individual can hold the same position in the course of a year. The latter figure has also been used in some previous statements.

In early 2018, MSF published a statement (see '2017' tab) on the actions we had taken to combat abuse and harassment, the challenges we faced, and the number of cases recorded in 2017.

One year on, we have put together the following short update on progress so far, including figures from 2018, which we hope will help maintain a constructive focus on this important issue.

One of the most significant challenges we identified previously was that of underreporting – and the need to do more to ensure that our staff and patients are aware of, and trust, our reporting mechanisms.

While the 2018 figures show an increase in the reporting of incidents of unacceptable behaviour compared to 2017, we still believe this picture to be a significant underestimate – this is likely due to a combination of challenges around both underreporting and data gathering.  

Our statement last year set out a number of ongoing measures to improve the detection and prevention of unacceptable behaviour. These included training, workshops, field visits, and the production and distribution of leaflets and audio-visual materials.

2018 saw continued activity in all these areas, as well as the allocation of increased staffing to MSF’s responsible behaviour teams; the development of new tools for improving awareness, prevention and detection of unacceptable behaviour; and the improvement of data-gathering and sharing across the MSF movement. 

It is worth acknowledging that an increased public focus on this issue will very likely have contributed to increased awareness and reporting. 

2018 figures in detail

In 2018, MSF had 43,000 staff working in the field (the following figures relate to complaints from the field and do not include the additional 4,000 staff working in MSF HQs).

Total complaints

2018 saw a significant increase in the number of complaints from the field recorded about all types of behaviour, a total of 356, up from 182 in 2017.   

Confirmed cases of abuse or inappropriate behaviour

Of those complaints, after investigation 134 were confirmed as either situations of abuse or of inappropriate behaviour (83 in 2017). 

This includes 78 cases qualified as abuse of all forms, compared to 61 in 2017 (this category includes sexual abuse, harassment and exploitation; abuse of power; psychological harassment; discrimination; and physical violence).

A total of 52 members of staff were dismissed for all forms of abuse (58 in 2017). 

Of the total 78 cases of all forms of abuse in 2018, 59 were confirmed after internal investigation as cases of sexual abuse, harassment or exploitation, up from 32 in 2017. Thirty-six staff were dismissed as a result of those cases, up from 20 in 2017. 

There were also 56 confirmed cases of inappropriate behaviour, up from 22 in 2017 (inappropriate behaviour includes: mismanagement of people; inappropriate relationships; inappropriate behaviour not in line with societal standards or affecting team cohesion; the use of substances). 

It is worth stressing again that this is still not the complete picture that we would like to have – while we have improved data-gathering since last year, we still have more work to do to address both this issue and the challenge of under-reporting. 

However, we hope that these figures are an indication that an increased focus on the issue has encouraged more people to come forward. 

We continue to urge staff, patients or anyone else who comes into contact with MSF to report any incidents of unacceptable behaviour which they come across.   


Changes to the 2017 figures

Due to improved data collection and compilation, MSF has updated its figures for 2017. As a result, the total number of complaints for 2017 is found to have been higher than previously estimated: 182 as opposed to 146; the number of confirmed cases has also risen slightly. The above comparisons use the updated 2017 figures; but for the purposes of comparison, the original figures remain available in last year’s statement.  

2018 figures

Please note that some cases from 2018 are still being investigated and have not yet been qualified, so the figures may change slightly.

In the wake of recent scandals concerning abuse and exploitation in the humanitarian sector, we have rightly been asked whether MSF has faced similar problems, and what steps it takes to combat them. 

It is positive that this issue is coming under the spotlight, regardless of how uncomfortable it may be for the organisations involved. 

MSF is not free of problems on this front – we know that there is work to do and no room for complacency.

We have received reports of abuse by MSF staff, we have processes for investigating and dealing with those reports, and we have dismissed people – 19 in 2017 and 10 in 2016 – for sexual harassment or abuse. 

We are very aware that we have work to do. We are concerned that there is a significant problem with under-reporting of abuses, which means that the real number of cases is likely higher. 

We need to work to improve our processes, and to increase awareness of – and confidence in – those processes, among both our staff and the people we help.

Numbers of complaints

The data we have is incomplete, but still we believe it is important to share publicly what we have been able to gather.

We currently have 42,000 staff members. The available figures indicate that MSF received 95 grievance complaints in 2016, of which 29 related to sexual harassment or abuse, with the rest relating to other forms of abuse of power, discrimination, or inappropriate behaviour.

Sexual harassment and abuse include a large variety of cases from verbal disrespect to physical aggression.  In 2016, MSF dismissed 10 staff due to sexual harassment or abuse.

In 2017, the total number of confirmed cases of abuse or harassment received was 40, of which 24 concerned sexual harassment or abuse (as with the 2016 figures, the others concerned other forms of abuse or harassment).

Two of these 24 cases were situations of sexual abuse or harassment by MSF staff against non-MSF staff (patients or members of the community).

Of these 24 cases, 19 people were dismissed from MSF, with the remaining five cases seeing other sanctions.

It is worth stressing again that these figures represent a partial picture, capturing only complaints received from our medical programmes that have been documented at HQ level. 

This means that they don’t cover any complaints which may have been made in MSF HQ offices, each of which will have their own procedures – collating that data is an ongoing process. 

The figures above will also not necessarily include cases dealt with directly by our programme teams which haven’t been referred to the HQ level.

Our processes

MSF has codes of conduct, procedures and behavioural review committees in place, including whistle blowing mechanisms, through which all members of staff can report inappropriate behaviour or abuse – with a range of sanctions available, ranging from warnings or suspension to dismissal.

In some cases, we may alert the local police (in agreement with the victim). We also support the victim as needed, which can include providing psychological and medical care and finding legal support.

We’re currently stepping up efforts to increase awareness across MSF of these processes, to make sure that everyone knows how to access them, and that victims and whistleblowers who register complaints feel protected at all times. This is included in training, field visits, briefings and internal staff regulations.

Reasons for underreporting may relate to a fear of not being believed, stigmatisation, or reprisals. This is all the more acute in many crisis settings where we work, such as conflict areas, where there’s often a general lack of protection mechanisms for victims, a high level of generalised violence, where impunity is common, and where populations may be highly dependent on external assistance. 

For the past 15 years, MSF’s leadership have recognised the need to fight abuse. Earlier last year, in May and again October 2017, the leadership bodies of MSF emphasised their unequivocal determination to fight abuse and ensure there is no tolerance for such behaviour throughout the organisation – including the reinforcement of grievance channels at all levels.  

Vickie Hawkins | Executive Director, MSF UK


Updated figures

June 2019: Due to improved data collection and compilation, MSF has updated its figures for 2017. In 2017, the total number of confirmed cases of abuse of all forms or inappropriate behaviour was 83, of which 32 concerned sexual abuse, harassment or exploitation. Of these 32 cases, 20 people were dismissed from MSF, with the remaining 12 cases seeing other sanctions.


MSF UK is part of an international movement of legal entities, commonly referred to as MSF, which are bound by a shared name and identity, and shared commitment to the MSF Charter and principles. 

The figures in these statements relate to the international movement’s global field projects and not to the MSF UK office.